Just about everywhere:
- Home
Includes front and back yards and the street where you live.
- Stores.
Of all kinds including grocery stores and convenience stores. A few will
occasionally gripe at you (particularly Malls) and they may even ask you to leave, but
remember, you are not breaking any law and you are the
customer. Don't worry about any "No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service" signs you may
see. They are rarely enforced. See here for a full discussion
on stores.
- Parks
Excellent places for the kids to run around
- Playgrounds
Ones with sand are better. Sadly, many are now being filled with bark or wood
chips. Not so nice on the feet. If you ever get a chance to oppose such a decision, please
do so.
and Libraries.
Cool marble floors or soft carpet ... and the kids make much less noise.
- Visiting friends houses
You wouldn't put your kids in formal attire to visit friends, would you? Just
treat shoes as an optional fashion item. This will often start some related conversations,
but not any that you won't be able to handle after reading this site.
- Restaurants
First, understand that there are actually no health codes that specify footwear (or any
specific manner of dress) for patrons of restaurants. For a complete explosion of this
pervasive myth follow this link.
Restaurants exist to provide us comfort and service. If we and our kids are more
comfortable in bare feet ... so be it!!. In practice you will have very little trouble at
fast-food restaurants and (surprisingly) upscale restaurants. There is hardly ever any
problem at "ethnic" type restaurants (Chinese, Thai, Indian etc.) See here for a full discussion of this issue.
- School
Pre-school and daycare should not be a problem. After that it will get more
problematic. Talk to the principal and explain your views. One family alone is unlikely to
achieve change in this area. Get leaflets to other parents. Tell them about this website.
Tell them about the schools that do allow bare feet. It will be
uphill work getting any relaxation of entrenched compulsory shoe policies. Oh well ... as
an alternative ... there is always Homeschooling
and the Democratic schools. In these cases, you will have
no problem at all. See here for full discussion of the
school issue.

Where Not?